Coolant leaks are one of the common issues that BMW models face and it could easily spiral into a bigger problem if not addressed immediately. Coolant fluid has an important function in the cooling system of your model. It removes hot air from the engine, keeping it cool. Hence, in order to avoid overheating and prevent engine failure, you need to find an effective solution to your BMW’s coolant leak issues. This guide identifies the common signs of this issue and how to fix it.

How Can You Tell That Your BMW Has Coolant Leaks?

Here are some signs to indicate that your BMW could be experiencing some coolant leak problems.

Low Coolant Level

If you consistently have to refill the coolant in your car due to continuously low coolant levels, then it could be because there is a leak somewhere. While it is true to regularly top-up your BMW’s coolant levels for better engine performance, it should not happen too frequently.

Overheating Engine

The engine has an energy-intensive role; hence, it usually works under high pressure and temperature. This is why the coolant’s function is to mop up the excessive heat in the engine area to avoid engine overheating which is bad for the engine. However, if your BMW’s engine starts to overheat, then you can tell that the coolant is not serving its purpose. This could be because there isn’t enough coolant in the cooling system due to leakage.

Pooling of Coolant Under Your BMW

This is an obvious sign of leakage in your BMW’s cooling system. If you notice a pool of greenish or blue fluid under your car (close to the engine area), especially when your car has been parked for a while, then it is likely a coolant leak in your car. This could be an environmental issue as the coolant fluid is dangerous to unsuspecting pets and children who may be attracted by the bright color. It is important to take care of the leak as soon as you notice this.

How to Deal with a Coolant Leak in Your BMW?

Here are some tips to help you handle the situation if you notice that your car is leaking coolant.

Identify the Cause/Source

You cannot fix a leakage issue in your car without knowing why it is happening or where the leak is coming from. Hence, the first thing you need to do once you notice a coolant leak is to find out why and where this is happening. A coolant leak means damage or fault in a part of the cooling system due to either aging or temperature damage. You should check the radiator, water pump, hoses, and head gaskets as these are the common culprits. We’re happy to inspect these for you.

Find a Temporary Fix

Leaving your BMW as it is, with a coolant leak, can be dangerous as the continuous leakage could cause the engine to overheat and fail. You need to find a solution ASAP, to repair a broken seal or damaged part and refill the coolant reservoir so your engine doesn’t overheat. Sometimes this requires being towed to our shop.

Visit Our Mechanics

Depending on the severity of damage to your BMW’s cooling system, you may need to either fix or replace damaged parts to stop the coolant leaks. In either case, you need professional help to deal with the situation. Our mechanic can help to inspect your car, identify damaged parts, and suggest the best repair option within your budget.

BMW Coolant Filling

Where to Take Your BMW in West Hills for a Coolant Leak Fix

Bavarian Workshop in California is one of the top options for German model care and repairs. We are a leading auto repair shop and prioritize both excellent work and customer satisfaction. We will not only diagnose and fix the issue with your BMW, but we will also offer maintenance tips to help keep your car in tip-top shape. If you are in Agoura, Calabasas, Woodland Hills, or West Hills, CA, you should not miss out on this chance to get the best services for your special car. Schedule an appointment with us today!

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