When you buy a new car, the ride is smooth as velvet. You can’t feel bumps in the road, but as your automobile gets older, it will show signs of needing repair. The suspension system is a significant part of the car’s operation. Therefore, over time, you will need to replace your struts and/or shock absorbers. Typically, it’s not expensive to replace struts or shocks, and often, they are easy to replace. Here’s how to tell if shocks are bad.
Signs of Driving with Bad Shocks and Struts
You’ll know if you need shocks because your vehicle will not perform as well as it did in the weeks before. Look for these bad shock/strut symptoms:
- Does your car bounce when coming to a complete stop or hit a bump in the road? If it bounces even a little, this could be a sign you need struts and shocks.
- If your car feels like it’s going down into a pool of water after hitting your breaks or if it takes longer to stop, you could need struts or shocks.
- When your tires wear out earlier than they should, you may need to replace your shocks. There may be a problem if you have more wear and tear on one side than you do on the other side.
- Just as your car may take a nosedive, it may look as though it’s squatting or if the nose is in the air. If this is the case, it may need to have shocks or struts replaced. More than likely this is a suspension problem.
- If there’s a vibration in your steering wheel, you may need help to replace your struts. Or at least have someone look at your suspension.
- A car can make unusual noises from time to time. If you hear a clunking sound (bad struts noise), it could be your suspension or shocks talking to you.
- When there’s a problem with struts or shocks, you can also tell if you notice hydraulic fluid coming from your vehicle. The leak is only a warning that there’s a problem. Don’t let a small issue become a problem.
If you need shocks or struts replacement, we invite you to bring your vehicle into our professionals today