Watch for These Signs of Fuel Pump Leaks in Your Porsche
If you drive a Porsche, you know that it's a luxurious and high-performance vehicle, and with that comes the responsibility of making sure your Porsche is properly maintained. One important part of maintenance is to watch for fuel pump leaks. The engine is the heart...

Visit Us in West Hills to Replace Your Audi’s Oxygen Sensor
Audi vehicles are equipped with oxygen sensors that monitor the levels of oxygen in the exhaust system. The oxygen sensor helps to ensure that the engine is running at optimal efficiency by providing data that is used to adjust the air-fuel mixture. These sensors are...

Leading Repair Shop in West Hills For Fixing BMW Electronic Issues
If you own a BMW, you most likely want to show that you care about this luxury vehicle. The easiest way to show that you value your BMW is by carrying out regular maintenance to help keep the vehicle in the best shape possible. BMWs, like any automobile, can have...

Valve Cover Oil Leaks in an Audi: Symptoms & Solution
A valve cover oil leak in your Audi may start out as a minor nuisance, but left untreated, it can lead to some major complications. Of all the parts of your engine, the valve cover (or rocker cover) ranks pretty high in importance. This part is generally constructed...

Understanding the Importance of the Fuel Pressure Regulator in Your Porsche
The fuel pressure regulator is a vital part of your Porsche’s fuel system. Every car must maintain a certain level of fuel pressure to continue functioning properly. The fuel pressure regulator, as its name implies, functions to control the pressure in your Porsche’s...

Handy Recommendations on Preventing 13 Pin Connector Issues in Your Mercedes from the Mechanics of West Hills
If you own a Mercedes, you are probably aware that this brand frequently struggles with problems with its 13 pin connector. This connector is the heart of your car’s fully-automatic transmission, and any issues connecting to the electrical wires that perform these...

The Value of a Regular Oil Change in Your Mini
As the owner of a Mini, you know that your car is a precision machine designed with multiple working systems that must be maintained to serve you best. In order to keep it running in top condition, it's important to follow a regular maintenance schedule, and that...

Signs of BMW Throttle Position Failure
The goal of a throttle position sensor in a BMW is to guarantee that the correct air-to-fuel mixture is produced to your vehicle's engine for your BMW to operate at its very best. This sensor is a significant part of your automobile's fuel management system and is...

Fix Your Bad Audi Wheel Bearing In West Hills
German engineering is known for its precision, and that attention to detail is evident in Audi vehicles. Audis are popular imports that Americans have come to trust for their quality and reliability. While they may cost a bit more than some other brands, the peace of...

An Introduction of Your Mercedes Coolant Sensor by the Pros Of West Hills
A Mercedes coolant sensor is a type of engine sensor that monitors the temperature of the engine coolant. The Mercedes coolant sensor is located in the cooling system and is usually mounted on the cylinder head or intake manifold. This sensor monitors the engine...